Sunday, November 8, 2009

Time to wake up

Yesterday morning when my train entered delhi my deadliest fear came true.... my beloved city was covered under smog, it was hard to breathe and there was irritation in my eyes when i roamed around and there was a looming darkness in atmosphere.
I thought about it hard this night............the statment that we're damaging our ecosystem is a misstatement , the ecosystem and life will survive at any cost it is we the human race which is in danger........

Most of the our religions tell us the superiority of the human race... and that is the fundamental wrong we are doing... humans are just a part of the nature.... 99.9999% of the species that have ever existed on the planet are now extinct and so will be humans one day but the problem is we are doing it very fast and with us we are taking a lot more species.

the problem is not of Co2, problem is not global warming not the global wastes and not even whether we do have technology to fight it........ these are all only the symptoms of the problem..the problem is............. What we are thinking, what prirorities has human mind taken... what actually we are from inside......"Like Inside..... Like Outside". The destruction we are seeing outside is the reflection of our inner self

We have world class universities producing engineers, mba's, lawyers etc etc whose only concern is how to make our own life more comfortable, personal gains with lot of selfishnes but this is not the issue and it is absolutely acceptable but the disregard they show for the nature is going to hit us back and hard. The govts acst a puppet of large corporate . The biggest oil comapny is 10 times the size of all automobile companies and this power speaks. This is the world of consumer democracies, what consumer wants will be provided by the govt. and now who tells the consumer whats good and whats not is anybody's guess.

I went to barber for a haircut this morning thinking about this phenomenon and when i was moving around i saw ppl busy in their own life fighting, eating , talking indira gandhi, talking girlfreinds, new mobile fone, bikes and what not. The problem is we are so busy in our daily life that we are have lost the prespective of what we are leaving for the future generations.....

If i do have grandchildren one day , i do not want them to say "grandpa what the hell were you thinking, what made you act like this and do irreparable damage to the earth" and i believe most of you will agreewe do have the brains and the technolgy to develop a sustainable relationship between us and nature.......... its the willpower what we need. corporate and political leadership has to show the way and if this is not possible then we will have to enter the mainstream coz if things do not change the consquences are gonna be very bad and in not to distant future that too.

time to wake up i think.......... :)

so even though its well past noon i'll say................good morning

note: this article is heavily influenced by large no of documentries that i have watched